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Call for Projects - 2022

Call for proposals - Lontano Quartet // String Quartet




In order to promote contemporary musical creation and its dissemination, the Lontano Quartet is calling for projects of 3 pieces for string quartet (without adding electronics).



This call includes two categories:

1) A piece - for string quartet, max 15-17 '- which will be recorded by the Lontano Quartet, and included in their new album to be released by the Swiss label Gallo-Cascavelle in 2022:


This album will include an anthology of new pieces, including 4 works created at the Les Musicales d'Assy festival.

The composition will be performed at the Les Musicales d'Assy festival (August 2022), in Haute-Savoie (France), then recorded in the studio in Paris.

- Studio recording session with the Lontano Quartet.
- Commercial release of the album with worldwide digital production
- Public creation by the Lontano Quartet at the Les Musicales d'Assy Festival 2022 
- Possibly: participation in a conference on new music as part of the Les Musicales d'Assy festival.

2) Two other chosen pieces will be performed at the Les Musicales d'Assy festival (August 2022):

- Public creation by the Lontano Quartet at the Les Musicales d'Assy 2022 festival  (with audio capture)
- Possibly: participation in a conference on new music as part of the Les Musicales d'Assy festival.




1. Participants must respect the dates set for the call for projects.


2. The participant's file must be complete to be eligible to compete. The work must be sent before the deadline. Any incomplete file will be automatically refused.


3. The work proposed by the candidate must be an original work, written exclusively for the Lontano Quartet. In no case should it be already edited or saved. Any work containing a plagiarism of an already existing work, even minimal, will be immediately disqualified.


4. No financial compensation is foreseen for the selected works. The reward is promotional and promotional. Promotional and dissemination costs will be borne by the Lontano Quartet.


5. The jury will be composed by the Lontano Quartet. Feedback will be communicated to all participants. The decision of the Lontano Quartet is subjective and irrevocable.


6. The play should last a maximum of 15 to 17 min. Beyond that, the proposal will not be accepted. Shorter pieces are accepted.


7. The candidates undertake to provide the separate parts (in PDF) before June 1, 2022.


8. Applicants may submit multiple documents within a single application.






Registration :
1. A completed application form and a scan of the passport identity card.
2. A score (PDF format)
3. A biography and / or CV and / or catalog; a cover letter (optional); website (optional).
4. All documents must be sent by email to no later than May 8, 2022.


All applications will be considered by the Lontano Quartet.


String quartet, without electronics and without sound system.

Duration :

15-17 min max

Calendar :

End of registrations: The complete work and file must be sent no later than May 8, 2022. 
Date of results: By e-mail, no later than May 22, 2022



Questions ? 

Write to us at:




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